In our country with small holdings and small scale farming, there is no better alternative to employing cattle in farming.
While ploughing, the oxen stride with gentle gait, not harming the surface of the earth, unlike tractors. Even as they plough the land, the oxen defecate and urinate, fertilizing the land.
Cattle Manure : organic manure, green leaf manure, earth-worms, and slurry manure with cattle manure bond with the nature and make the land fertile. They do not create the challenge of chemical waste.
99% of the insects in nature are beneficial to the system. Insecticides prepared from cow urine or well fermented butter milk do not affect these helpful insects.
Dung from one cow is adequate to fertilize 5 acres of land and its urine is can protect 10 acres of crop from insects.

Welcome to our Govanithashraya

It was on 21st April 2002, the auspicious day of Rama Navami, our Govanithashraya Trust has been launched. Since then this unique Service Organization is venturing in twin directions viz: protecting cows and women rehabilitation. Our sincere service activities are sprouting in a rural place called Beejaguri 22km. away from the city of Mangaluru. This place is situated in Pajeer Village, Bantwal Taluk, Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State, South India. Cows are quite near and dear to us and are rightly deemed as very sacred due to their great utility. Our’s is a serene mission to protect them from slaughterhouses and preserve and improve their breeds. Our Gowri, Ganga, Kapila & Amritha goushalas are the happy home for about 300 cattle’s at present.
  • Cow (Cattle) was one of the first few species domesticated by humans (or evolving modern humans) after dogs and horses. Few civilizations like Aryans and Indian were so much dependent on cattle over a period of time that they started worshiping them like mother and Goddess.

    The designation of mother was given because of her ability to give milk which was suitable for human consumption. Milk and its products then became one of the base material for almost all Indian food and sweets, which we still have.

    Cattle dung as manure for agriculture systems. Before industrialization the main source of manure for agriculture was cattle dung, which was decomposed in specific ways by Indians and used in their fields. Still the modern concept of Organic farming promotes this way which was earlier used in all Indian subcontinent.

    Govanithashraya Trust (R.) – Our Appeal

    ಗೋವನಿತಾಶ್ರಯ ಟ್ರಸ್ಟ್‌ (ರಿ.) – ನಮ್ಮ ಮನವಿ


    Charity, of course springs with the nobility of our Heart. We do present to you our earnest appeal for liberal assistance. Only the incessant flow of ₹. 6 lakhs per month can enable our 'Gauseva' a feasibility.

    Account 1

    Govanithashraya Trust
    Karnataka Bank Ltd.
    Kodialbail, Mangaluru

    Account 2

    Govanithashraya Trust
    Corporation Bank
    MG Road, Mangaluru

    For Foreign Contribution

    Govanithashraya Trust
    Corporation Bank
    MG Road, Mangaluru

    For PayPal

    You can also contribute towards the cause using PayPal.

    Tax Exemption

    Donations made to Govanithashraya Trust (R) are eligible for deduction under Section 80G  of Income-tax Act & F.C.R.A clearance to receive donations directly from abroad in foreign currencies.


    Govanithashraya Trust is managed by a team of dedicated Trustees and Committee Members who are rendering free service. The following are the office beares:

    1. Prof. M.B.Puranik (President) - an educationist, Social activist.
    2. Dr. P.Anantha Krishna Bhat (Secretary)- Professor, a social worker.
    3. Mr.Manohar Tulajaram (Convener)-Retd. Technical teaching facalty member.
    4. Dr.Ananthalaxmi Bhat (Treasurer) - Medical Practitioner.
    5. Sri. Hitendra J. Kothari (Trustee) - Businessman.
    6. Sri Suresh Jain (Trustee) - Industrialist.
    7. Sri L. Sridhar Bhat (Trustee) - Retd. Professor.

    Apart from them there are about 15 paid staff Members to manage this charitable Institution.