It was on 21st April 2002, the auspicious day of Rama Navami, our Govanithashraya Trust has been launched. Since then this unique Service Organization is venturing in twin directions viz: protecting cows and women rehabilitation.
Our Humble Projects:
Our sincere service activities are sprouting in a rural place called Beejaguri 22km. away from the city of Mangalore. This place is situated in Pajeer Village, Bantwal Taluk, Dakshina Kannada District of Karnataka State, South India.
‘Mamatha’ Women Rehabilitation Centre
Women section of our Society has to be given due respect and proper care. Our’s is a humane endeavour to extend all sorts of assistance to those women who are in distress. We do cater their needs by providing completely free food, Shelter, Clothing, Medical Facilities and even matrimonial alliances for the girls of suitable age.
Govanithashraya Trust (R.)
Trustees List
Sl.No. | Name of the Trustee | Designation |
1 | Prof. M.B.Puranik | President |
2. | Manohar Suvarna | Secretary |
3. | Sharan Pumpwell | Treasure |
4. | Dr.P.Ananthakrishna Bhat | Trustee |
5. | Dr. Ananthalakshmi Bhat | Trustee |
6. | Shri. L. Sridhar Bhat | Trustee |
7. | Shri. Hitendra J. Shah | Trustee |
8. | Gopal Kuttar | Trustee |
9. | Shivananda Mendon | Trustee |
10. | Bhujanga Kulal | Trustee |